DINNER Game: Yesterday
At dinner tonight, play a game with your kids to keep the conversation going...
What do you remember about yesterday?- Let the oldest person begin by naming as many things as possible about what someone else at the table did yesterday. For example, you might remember that your daughter ate cereal for breakfast, wore red sneakers, played with her friend Jami, ate chicken for dinner and went to bed at 8 o'clock.
- Then let someone else have a turn remembering. See how many things everyone can remember about yesterday! You can even take it a step further...what can you remember about last week?
- Let the oldest person begin by naming as many things as possible about what someone else at the table did yesterday. For example, you might remember that your daughter ate cereal for breakfast, wore red sneakers, played with her friend Jami, ate chicken for dinner and went to bed at 8 o'clock.
- Then let someone else have a turn remembering. See how many things everyone can remember about yesterday! You can even take it a step further...what can you remember about last week?
More questions to ask your kids while eating dinner. Remember, parents have to answer them too! Let your kids learn more about what your childhood was like.
#1) Name all the pets you have had.
#2) What is the grossest thing you have ever eaten?
#3) Parents, were you ever grounded? details please...
#4) If you could speak an animal language for a day, which would you pick?
#5) Fill in the blank "I wish..."
#6) Name some clues that tell you it's spring, fall, summer or winter.

Everyone thinks they know their families better than anyone else. However, as your kids grow their successes, their challenges, their lives are continually changing. By asking your kids some unique, light-hearted questions, you will gain perspective into who they are becoming. Not only will you get to know your kids better, but they might learn something new about you! Below are some fun questions to ask each other around the dinner table. You can pick one per night, or go through them all. Maybe you want to throw them in a bowl or write them on popsicle sticks, it's up to you, have fun with it! Each week, look here for some new dinner conversation starters...
#1) What was your high for today and what was your low?
#2) Tell me one thing that makes you happy.
#3) Name something you are afraid of.
#4) Name a fear you would like to conquer.
#5) Name 3 places you would NEVER go.
#6) Name 3 things you would want to have on a deserted island.
#7) Come up with a family motto or mission statement.
#8) Name some things you take for granted.
#9) Finish this sentence: Lord, thank you for...
#10) What is your perfect birthday?