made by Leelou

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Think Orange

If you were able to join us on August 29th, you know First Baptist Church of San Diego Kid’s Ministry has a lot happening! If not, here are some things you missed:

If you are a regular attender of FBC, you may have been or will start to notice the color orange. You may ask why? The color orange to us represents a couple of things. First, it represents change. 70%-80% of kids who grow up in the church end up leaving the church as an adult. Something needs to change. Secondly, orange represents the combining of yellow and red. Yellow symbolizes the church, the light of the world. Red symbolizes the entity of a family, unconditional love. When you combine the church and the family, you get orange. This is exactly the strategy we want to use here at FBC. We want to partner with parents in order to raise genuine Christ-followers.

On average, the church gets 40 hours per year with your child. As a parent, you get an average of 3,000 hours per year with your child. Those 3,000 hours do not include school, sports or extra curricular activities. The church cannot be what you depend on as a parent to grow your children spiritually.

So, what now? FBC wants to provide some tangible ways you as parents can continue to have Christ-centered conversations in your home. If your child is involved in a small group, help them with their book work each week. If you attend the 10:30 service, go through your child's map books with them. Look back here for conversations starters to have with your kids and fun activities to do together as a family!

We here at FBC, are excited to begin this journey with you! Please let us know if you have any questions!

Serving His kids,

FBC Kid’s Ministry Team


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