made by Leelou

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Parents: You will receive these announcements in paper form as well.

On Sunday, December 5th your 3 year olds through 5th graders will be concluding our 10:30 am morning service with some Christmas songs in our main service. Check-in will be normal, however your kids will be dismissed to you after they are done performing their songs. If you have small children, please make sure to come up and get your child from the stage after they are finished, then sit back down together as we sing a couple more Christmas songs to finish out the service! If possible, have your child wear Christmas colors.

Your K-5th grade kids have been working extra hard to earn an ice cream party by completing their map books and bringing them in each week. They are almost there! We are scheduling our ice cream party for December 12th. If for some reason, you don’t want your child to consume ice cream before noon (during our morning service) please pack them an approved-by-you snack so they don’t feel left out. When you sign in your child, please make a note on the sign in sheet. Thanks!


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