made by Leelou

Monday, January 3, 2011


Wanted to take the time to say a simple THANK YOU to all of our FBC Kid's Leaders. Without you we would not have a Kid's Ministry at FBC at all. You don't give your time to be noticed or thanked, you do it because God calls us to take care of His kids. Each week I am reminded of how much this is a blessed ministry and much of that is due to what a great group of people God has placed in these Kid's lives.

Thank You, Sunday School Teacher

Thank you Sunday school teacher
For opening my eyes
To the Bible and to Jesus,
Life’s most precious prize.

Thank you special teacher
For opening my mind
To God and the Holy Spirit,
And for answers you help me find.

Thank you Sunday school teacher
For opening my heart
To eternal life through salvation,
The precious lessons you impart.

Thank you, cherished teacher,
For giving me advice
So that I can know the Lord
And be with Him in paradise.

By Joanna Fuchs

Thank you for your willingness to serve His kids!


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