A couple weeks ago we talked about tithing with the kids. If a child understands at an early age why tithing is important, they are more likely to have a desire to give as they get older. We talked about the the widow who gave everything she had with a joyful heart from Luke 20. Although it's not necessary to give everything we receive away, it is commanded of us to give a portion. Discuss this with your kids, ask them questions. Here is a way you can re-iterate the importance of tithing in your home this week. This is taken from The Fun and Active Devotions for Kids maybe you can learn something too!

Tithe is a word used in the Bible. It means "a tenth." In Old Testament times, God commanded the Israelites to give the priests a tithe of all they produced. They gave sheep, grain, cows, and so forth. These tithes were like incomes for the priests, making it possible for them to work full-time at leading the people in worship and taking care of God's house. Sometimes people gave even more to say thank you to God for all the good things he provided. Their giving showed that they trusted God to supply giving. Usually they mean that they give back to God part of their income. Sometimes they give 10 percent; sometimes they give less or more. When you give gladly, you show that you trust God to take care of you. You have a trustworthy God, so why not show it in your giving?
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