made by Leelou

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

KSG (Kid's Small Groups)

What: Kid’s Small Groups (Pre-K through 5th Grade)

Where and When: Begins on October 9th at 9 am in Kid’s City.

Why: It’s our hope that by the time your child is in middle school, they will know the basics of what it means to be a Christ follower. Your child will be placed in a group with other kids their age and have an opportunity to navigate through a journey of discovery. Kids will meet with their small group each Sunday and then accomplish one lesson each week at home. Here is the list of what your child will be learning throughout the journey of Kid’s Small Groups:

Pre-K: How to Know God- A Journey to Discover God’s Purpose
Kindergarten: How to Obey God- A Journey to Discover God’s Promise
1st Grade: How to Love Jesus- A Journey to Discover My Savior
2nd Grade: How to Worship Jesus- A Journey to Discover My Church
3rd Grade: How to Belong to Jesus- A Journey to Discover My Purpose
4th Grade: How to Grow in Jesus- A Journey to Discover My Spiritual Growth
5th Grade: How to Serve Jesus- A Journey to Discover My S.H.A.P.E

What now? You can email or call the church office at 858.457.4827 for more information. Other than that we will see you on October 9th! Books will be handed out on the first day of small groups! 


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